Should i be read more.
My son swallowed a marble.
My son is very regular but the intestine is very long and it usually taken anywhere between 3 6 days for any object to pass.
It could ve come out unnoticed.
My husband is a nurse and isn t worried.
I don t actually know what they re called so i searched using the word marble and this web page was the second choice on the first page if search results.
It s been 6 hours and she seems ok.
No drooling wheezing or pain.
The next day he had an x ray and we saw the pin in his intestine.
My 4 year old daughter swallowed a semi flat marble like gem that people use for outside decorations or plants.
If your child has swallowed a smooth object that is smaller than a quarter and has no symptoms contact your doctor to decide the best course of action.
Sharp objects sometimes can injure the esophagus stomach or intestines.
Ct scanning is a test that uses a series of.
Your grandson would first need an x ray to determine if the marble is still there.
The marble was not obviously seen in the poop.
The 4th day the pin came out.
A few weeks ago my son swallowed a board pin and he seemed to be fine.
My 5 year old son swallowed a marble a few months ago.
In a barium swallow your child drinks a thick liquid and x rays are then taken.
In some cases a barium swallow test or computed tomography ct scan may be done.
One of these tests may be done if you suspect but aren t certain that your child swallowed an object and it doesn t show up on an x ray.
The same is true if your child has swallowed something sharp such as a piece of glass or an open safety pin.