Discriminatory barrier keeping a certain class of people out of an upper echelon of american government.
Nancy pelosi marble ceiling.
Nancy pelosi d calif made history as her colleagues voted her the first female speaker of the united states house of representatives.
Let me know how i can.
Here is the text of her remarks as prepared for.
Or whatever that is this is a marble ceiling it s not a glass ceiling.
This is a marble ceiling.
Nancy pelosi on civil rights.
I ve broken the marble ceiling this.
Congress is very male oriented society in congress you have to break the marble ceiling forget glass the marble ceiling of a very male oriented society where they had a pecking order and they thought that would be the way it always was and they would always be in charge.
Pelosi shatters a marble ceiling.
Distinguished from a glass ceiling because not only is this class prevented from rising to the next level they cannot even see what is going on up there.
For our daughters and our granddaughters now the sky is the limit brendan.
She s 66 years old and has represented san francisco in california s eighth congressional district for almost 20 years.
House speaker nancy pelosi said thursday at the weekly democratic press conference that she is surprised a woman got her job before one was elected president.
But it s another dimension of nancy pelosi that helps explain why she s closing in on the highest rank ever attained by a woman in the us congress.
Nancy pelosi spoke about sen.
And she was central to the legislative achievements of barack obama s presidency including his signature.
When nancy pelosi was sworn in as the first female speaker of the house she said we have broken the marble ceiling.
So i always thought that that would be something that the public would be much more ready for than the members of congress.
Coined by incoming speaker of the house nancy pelosi.
That woman is rep.
Well we won.
Caroline brehman cq roll call.