There are no national definitions or terminologies for assistance dogs in canada or internationally.
National service dogs canada.
Certified service dogs for autism.
Comment on national standard of canada draft regarding service dog teams.
896568417rr0001 accessibility contact us.
Other service dogs may be referred to as guide dogs assistance dogs hearing ear dogs mobility dogs seizure alert dogs and service dogs for people living with mental health issues.
Canadahelps is a registered charity charity registration number.
Since 1996 national service dogs nsd has been training service dogs to assist children diagnosed with autism and their families.
The insurance company s employees chose to support the charity s breeding training and placement program for certified intervention companion and service dogs.
A printable pdf version of usausa s canada national standard comment is also available linked just below.
See more development of a national standard of canada for service dogs to request a copy of the draft standard and comment form please call the canadian general standards board cgsb at 819 956 0425 or 1 800 665 2472 fax at 819 956 5740 or send an e mail to ncr cgsb ongc tpsgc pwgsc gc ca.
Service dogs canada s package conforms to all ada laws and will allow your dog to accompany you anywhere the public is allowed including airplanes.
We would like to show you a description here but the site won t allow us.
Identify your service dog as a service aid dog.
Usausa comment on draft canada sd team standard 062617.
This format may be easier for some to read.
National service dogs cambridge ontario.
Celebrating 24 years of expanding potential through the life changing power of certified service dogs.
United service animal users supporters.
The foundation is a national non profit registered charity and the only neutral organization that is promoting and advancing canada s animal assisted services sector.
Service dogs canada offers full service dog identification packages including a missing dog recovery.