In its review the nrdc found that dangerously high levels of pesticide residue can remain on a dog or cat s fur for weeks after a flea collar is put on the animal.
Natural flea treatment for cats and dogs.
However on occasions even healthy dogs and cats may become hosts to fleas.
Fortunately between over the counter sprays powders and flea collars there are endless solutions to help eradicate a flea problem in your home.
Be aware that parts of the aloe plant are toxic to cats though the gel is generally not.
Dogs and cats that go outside can t help but bring a few freeloaders back inside with them.
In the yard you might consider adding a natural predator of fleas.
Aloe vera juice is a natural flea repellent and some mix it with cayenne pepper to create a spray that can be applied to your cat s coat obviously avoid getting it in your cat s eyes.
Fox suggests 1 2 teaspoon of brewer s yeast at mealtime for a cat or small dog and 1 teaspoon per 30 pounds of body weight for larger dogs.
Since many store bought flea dips contain harsh chemicals using a natural flea dip is definitely the way to go.
Fleas can be a natural and unpleasant part of life with a pet.
Aloe vera also has a cooling effect that can soothe hot spots and alleviate itching.
Nematodes are small worms that feed off of flea larva and are easy to find at garden stores or pet shops.
They are highly effective with a noticable improvement in flea popualation within two days.
Ratings are from amazon at the time of publication and can change.
Bayer advantage ii for large cats is a quick and effective topical flea treatment.
The second type of flea collar releases a substance that seeps through the fatty layers of cat s skin eventually killing the fleas on the animal s body.
Natural care flea and tick spray for dogs and cats will help you take control of flea and tick problems without resorting to a harsh chemical treatment.
However while commercial flea medications and treatments can certainly help tame a flea problem in your cat there are also an array of do it yourself approaches that cat owners can.
Rosemary is a natural flea repellent for dogs and is perfect for making your own natural flea dip.
Many pet store flea and tick products contain more than one active ingredient and some of these products cause problems when used together.
The first type of flea collar emits a toxic gas that kills and repels fleas.
One of the key factors in flea prevention is the overall health and immune system of your dog or cat to ensure fleas are kept to a minimum.
Consider a natural and non toxic option for cats and dogs.
A flea dip is a great natural flea treatment for dogs since submerging your dog in water will drown out most of the fleas on their body.
It kills between 98 and 100 of fleas within 12 hours and 99 of flea larvae in just 20 minutes completely halting the flea reproduction cycle.