Natural sources of calcium for cats secondly this mineral can also be added to some commercial cat foods or given as dietary supplements.
Natural sources of calcium for cats.
Crushed eggshells do wonders for cats in need of dietary supplements.
Calcium is required by the body not only for bones but also for muscle control and ion balance.
Meat and liver meal can include tumors and diseased tissues rancid trim pieces and liver of various animals concentrated.
Additionally calcium and phosphorus intake is an important consideration for cats with illnesses like kidney disease.
Phosphorous is important in the formation of bones and teeth and also plays vital roles in cell membranes and energy processes.
Calcium deficiency in cats can be serious creating problems with dental health and even deformation of the face.
Richard pitcairn veterinarian and teacher of veterinary homeopathic medicine recommends a ratio of one part calcium to one part phosphorus in a cat s diet although that isn t a hard fast rule.
While uncommon in cats hypercalcemia can wreak havoc on body tissues requiring prompt treatment.
Phosphorus is a structural part.
Generally meat will provide sufficient phosphorus but not calcium so you ll have to use a supplement.
Occasionally calcium levels can become too high.
Calcium and phosphorus are other nutrients that can have a deleterious effect if fed in excess to cats.
Finally yogurt should not be the main source of this mineral even though it has natural probiotics that your cats and dogs require.
Calcium is present in the bloodstream of cats and is necessary for normal body function.
Luckily there s an easy fix for this problem.
Bones can be contaminated with heavy metals as many commercial bone meal products are made from older animals.
This condition is known as hypercalcemia and could indicate a problem inside kitty s body.
Bone meal can be made at home as a safer option to store bought products.
Seaweed calcium for dogs and cats is a natural source of highly bioavailable calcium.
Difficult or in some cases impossible to get the right calcium phosphorus ratio in meat and bone diets.
Finally for absorption and proper metabolism to occur magnesium is necessary as it activates vitamin d that is vital in the absorption of calcium.
Therefore before going for any calcium supplements ensure you talk to a vet with prior knowledge of your cat s nutritional needs and health.
Of particular importance is the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in the cat food.
A great natural source of calcium phosphorus and other nutrients.
See more about ca p ratio below.
This is a wonderful product for all the home preparers out there and a great alternative to less bioavailable sources of calcium like bone meal calcium carbonate or egg shells.