In the open loft like living area of this 1970 palm beach condo designer vincente wolf decided to place the tv on this moveable magasin sennelier french oak easel.
No space for tv in living room.
Get ideas for living room layouts including placing your television above the fireplace in a corner or creating a conversational space.
Let s bring that idea back.
No need for a tv in the cabin with a view like this.
We have a tv that hardly ever gets turned on.
Each need light and space for making it work.
Is there a specific space that s better for viewing.
By keeping it no taller than is necessary it defines the tv and dining areas without dividing the room.
Now with the increasing popularity of watching videos on tablets which can be viewed anywhere there s less of a need to make living rooms into a space for gathering and watching tv.
Focus your view on the window and watch the world go by instead.
Some of us have to use the space we have.
Not long ago people had large televisions that took up a lot of space in the living room.
I can t be the only person raised with a living room that was tv free and then a family room where all the toys entertainment and the television lived.
Floor mounted electrical outlets are your friend.
If you are installing a new outlet place it right under the cabinet and allow space under the cabinet for the plugs because they will stick up from the outlet a couple inches.
During football season we will watch a game on sunday but that s it.
In this brooklyn new york duplex the tv is tucked under the stairs along with some books at an oblique angle to the couch which faces out into the room in a friendly conversation inspiring sort of way.
No one addressed the living room with an upright piano or a grand piano or a harp.
Some wealthy families also had another in the kitchen or in the bedrooms.
I can hardly stand to listen to commercials.
But they weren t only in the living room.
Arranging your television set in your living room among the rest of your furniture.
When you re out in the wild put those tv shows to the back of your mind and create your own adventure.
Oh i love this post.
Tv and lounge formats.
It s great to take telly free design ideas for your living room space by looking for these rural country retreats.
Ours is a step down living area with fireplace tv and media equipment on one wall.
I quit watching tv because i realized that the news was just depressing me each day.
However the largest one was always in the living room.