Spray the entire door this way.
Painting sliding door tracks.
Painting sliding glass door frame as you are painting the sliding glass door frame keep the sprayer about 12 or so away from the surface and use non stop continuous sweeping motions left to.
Apply the spray primer first then the paint.
Protect glass image zoom carefully mask off the glass with blue painter s tape.
The more precisely you mask around the frames and door components the straighter your finished lines will be.
Step 4 mask the entire area using blue painter s tape and masking paper or newspaper.
Painting sequence for a sliding door step 1.
If possible mask both sides of.
Shake the can of paint and spray in long strokes to avoid having the paint glob up.
Sand down any rough spots or nicks on the door frame and remove sanding dust with a dry lint free rag.
Secure old wrapping paper to the border of each piece of glass with painter s tape.
Tape off the outside border of the door frame with more wrapping paper.
Shake a can of exterior grade spray paint to mix the paint.
Instructions use the multi purpose cleaner to clean the doors and sliding track really well.
Spray a light.
Spray the door lightly back and forth overlapping the paint strokes to encourage an even application.