Jeannie63 in fairmont wv on.
Passat door locks keep clicking.
Most of the time this is due to a bad connection or a failing ignition switch.
Same thing happens at stop signs.
1 answer 0 comments.
Mechanic s assistant are you fixing your passat yourself.
That would be normal if it happened once a trip.
What have you tried so far.
What s strange is it does this every time it goes above 10 mph so in a parking lot the rear door locks are repeatedly clicking each time the car slows and speeds up.
I would treat these as separate issues though.
A retired vw mechanic friend said that rear passenger door mechanism may be shorting out.
A few weeks ago the metal gas door cover came off at the carwash.
Our passat locks the doors as soon it crosses above 10 mph.
Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it.
When ever i drive my car the automatic door locks keep clicking.
This is super annoying as i live in the dc area where stop and go traffic is quite common.
Would that cause it.
If this is occurring with the locks as well as a power loss then you may have a bad ignition switch.
Someone said it could be the sltanatior.
The door locks on both sides click most of the time when i stop turn a corner etc.
I think this may have to do with my gas door.