Design and implementation of embedded password based security door lock system using 8051 microcontroller article pdf available october 2017 with 502 reads how we measure reads.
Password door lock system using 8051 microcontroller.
The password is stored in the eprom so that we can change it at any time.
Password based door lock system using8051 microcontrollertraditional lock systems using mechanical lock and key mechanism are being replaced by newadvanced techniques of locking system.
Password based door lock system using 8051 microcontroller circuit design uses five major components a microcontroller an l293d motor driver a dc motor a 4 4 matrix keypad and a 16 2 lcd.
Here an at89c52 microcontroller is used and it is an 8 bit controller.
The microcontroller based door locker is an access control system that allows only authorized person to access a restricted area the system is fully controlled by the 8 bit microcontroller 8051 which has a 2kbytes of rom for the program memory.
These techniques are an integration of mechanical andelectronic devices and highly intelligent.
If the entered password is correct then the system opens the door by rotating door motor and displays the status of door on lcd.
Atmega based garage door opening.
This controller requires a supply voltage of 5v dc.
To overcome this we design rfid password and otp based door lock system using 8051 microcontroller.
Other connections are for driving the microcontroller.
Password based door lock system using 8051 microcontroller final report.
The password which is entered is compared with the predefined password.
Attach your lock to port 3 pin 0.
If the person attempting to open the door enters a wrong password then the microcontroller switches the alarm for further course of action.
The lock designing is explained after the door lock circuit diagram.
4 3 keypad is attached to port 2 of 8051 microcontroller.
Our digital code lock project is a simple electronic number lock system or an electronic combination lock using 8051 which has a preset 5 digit password stored inside the program the system collects 5 digit user input compares the user input with the preset password inside program and if the user input and stored password matches access will be granted by opening the door with the help of relay for a few seconds and closing it automatically after stipulated time.
Keypad rows are attached to port 2 pins 0 1 2 3 and coulombs to pins 5 6 7.
In this way a simple door lock system can be implemented with the use of a microcontroller.
The main component in the circuit is 8051 controller.