Pack the material in tightly and make sure the cement connects with both the pipe and surrounding wall.
Patching hole around conduit in concrete wall.
You want the concrete surface in each hole to be perfectly.
Press hydraulic cement into the hole with a small trowel or putty knife.
Use a hammer and chisel to remove loose concrete from the hole.
I considered a lot of options.
The guys at home depot had a lot of fun lamenting the fact that the hole existed to begin with and then suggested that i build a mold on one side of the wall and fill it in with a pour of concrete.
After hearing that i seriously considered just gluing a piece of plywood over it and calling it a day.
If necessary fill the gap in layers of cement to build up the area slowly.
Also try to flatten out the bottom of the hole to create a stable level surface for the new patching material.
Both procedures follow the local codes for poured concrete walls in my location.
Knock away the cracked and crumbling concrete around the hole.
4 scoop up about cup of prepared mortar mix.